Das Problem mit dem Ölverlust habe ich in der Facebook Gruppe Model T Ford Owners" gepostet. Es gab sehr viele Vorschläge wie man das Problem in den Griff bekommen kann. Hier eine Übersicht der Vorschläge. Sie unterteilen sich in 3 Gruppen:
1) Ölverlust akzeptieren
2) Fehler suchen
3) Herauslaufendes Öl auffangen
I posted the oil leak problem in the "Model T Ford Owners" Facebook group. There were a lot of suggestions how to get the problem under control. Here is an overview of the suggestions. They are divided into 3 groups:
1) Accept oil loss
2) Search for the error
3) Collect leaking oil
The popular saying is, when a model T don't drip oil the problems starts, as then it's out of oil.
That said, you can do a lot to reduce oilspill.
That particular place might be becauce a gasket that should not be there.
Between the loose universal ball cap (with the 4th main) and the gearbox, there should be a papergasket, but not on the assembly of the 2 halves of the ball cap.
Universal ball cap at the end of the transmission might be worn keep it it's a core and get a re babbitted one
A Model T that's leaking oil ?
Model t Mark their spots. They paved rhe roads back in the hey days. Until the invention of RTV gasket maker. Usually over full crank case same goes for radiator. And rear axle. Don’t even worry about it. Just check at level the top oil check vavle just dips out toe to time. T’s only leak when they are standing still. Drive it.
Yep. Seepage. No oil pressure. Maybe 1 psi.
On a day during rebuild your can seal it. But takes months to get it back in the car. When your working. Bandaids are good. Tighten all the bolts. Starters would come loose and leak there
And they stop leaking when the oil is gone.
Good luck
Put a grease cup in that has a zirk fitting in it and grease it very liberally
If it stops leaking it’s out of fluid.
Moin aus Hamburg... auf die finale Lösung zur Behebung des Ölverlustes am Übergang zur Kurbelwelle warte ich schon seit einigen Jahren, denn mein 26er T-Tudor verliert genau an der Stelle dauerhaft Öl. Ich habe aber keine Lust den Motor dafür auszubauen. Mittlerweile habe ich mich mittels Öl nachfüllen dran gewöhnt, dass das Model T genau dort dauerhaft Tropfen muss?!
You can make a cover for over the ball with a oil absorbent cloth inside. Won’t stop the leak but it will keep it off the floor. You want to keep that area well lubed so expect grease to come out.
I strung a small plastic container under my rocky brakes cradle to catch the worst!
Just put a mask on it.every one seems to be wearing them these days!!
If it aint leaking it needs oil
It would not be a first! They make a pan to hang under the Model A diffy housing for the same reason. Of course people have been known to hang a can under there too. If I am going to show and sometimes out on tours, I carry a piece of card board to put under the car when parked. A drip might be one thing, but don't like leaving a glob behind. LOL
wrap it with a diaper.
It may be the rear differential oil running up the drive shaft. Check your differential and see if it’s low.
Differential oil does not run up hill. Engine oil, going thru the 4th main into the u joint housing does run down hill, so they should check how full the pumpkin is
So what if you are going down a steep hill. Not everyone lives on flat land!
It's cheaper and easier to live with it!
A super absorbent diaper will work wonders for a Long Time. Simply put on a new one every month or two
Drip pans are the best answer! 
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