Allerdings sollte man drei Dinge beachten:
Dienstag, 8. Juni 2021
315. Tag - Notbremsung / Emergency stop
Allerdings sollte man drei Dinge beachten:
Montag, 31. Mai 2021
307. Tag - Differential Ölcheck / Differential Oil Check
After I sealed the gearbox outlet from the outside and hardly any oil runs out there, I wonder what happens to the oil when it leaves the gearbox. Either the oil level in the ball housing of the cardan is then so high that no more oil can run out of the gearbox or it seeks its way through the cardan tube into the differential. The easiest way is to check the oil level in the differential. This is very simple. Unscrew the screw on the right side of the differential and check.
The oil level is too high. Normally, you always fill a differential to the edge of the filler hole. On the Model T, the oil level should be 20mm below that. If oil runs out when you open it, the level is clearly too much. The oil can actually only have run into the differential through the gimbal tube. Thus, it is not only too much oil, but also too thin. The oil in the differential is much thicker than the engine oil.
The oil in the differential contains a noticeable amount of non-ferrous metal particles. An oil change is urgently needed here. I just have to get suitable oil.
I close the differential again and look at the brake drums. In the worst case, the oil would run from the differential over the rear axle into the brake drums of the parking brake. But here, everything is in order.
Only on the right side I probably put too much grease in the wheel bearing. Some grease has squeezed out. But there is no oil in the brake drum.
I still have some time to repair my camera tripod from the 60s. One of the legs has come loose. While disassembling it, the loose screw falls to the floor. I can't find it anymore. Maybe it will turn up again or I will have to get a replacement screw.
Freitag, 26. März 2021
241. Tag - Quietschende Bremse / Squeaky Brake
Als ich gestern den Rundlauf der Räder gemessen habe, ist mir das Quietschen im linken Hinterrad aufgefallen. Also ist das Problem mit der Bremse noch nicht ganz behoben.
Das Geräusch ist kein Schleifen, sondern eher ein Quietschen eines alten Federbettes, wie man es aus alten Filmen kennt.
Yesterday, when I measured the runout of the wheels, I noticed the squeaking in the left rear wheel. So the problem with the brake is not completely fixed yet.
The noise is not grinding, but rather a squeak of an old feather bed, as you know it from old movies.
First, let me make a sound comparison. Yes, it sounds like the brake shoe spring when the wheel turns.
I remove the springs one by one and remount the wheel to see if the noise is gone. The noise is indeed no longer audible without the springs.
Das einzige was mir jetzt einfällt, ist die Federn um 180° zu drehen. Vielleicht hilft es.
I have been lucky. Now the springs no longer make any noise.
Dienstag, 16. März 2021
231. Tag - Bremsentestfahrt / Brake Test Drive
Die Bearbeitung der Feststellbremse war erfolgreich. Beim Fahren ist kein Schleifen mehr zu hören. Zumindest nicht im Regen. Vielleicht noch ein ganz kleines Geräusch.
The machining of the parking brake was successful. No more grinding can be heard when driving. At least not in the rain. Maybe a very small noise.
Montag, 15. März 2021
230. Tag - Schleifende Bremse / Grinding brake
Ich brauche einen zweiten Abzieher!
The brake lining shows traces on one side.
I grind the pads a little and mount the brake shoes again. let's see if it works now.
The wheel now makes no noise in the jacked-up car. The only thing missing is the test drive.
Montag, 22. Februar 2021
209. Tag - On The Sunny Side Of The Street
On The Sunny Side Of The Street. Nicht nur Oldtimer und Motorradfahrer lockt die Sonne auf die Straße, sie ist voller Menschen.
Natürlich war es spannend im Winter das Model-T zu fahren, aber in der Sonne .... :-)
Das einzige, was stört ist das Schleifgeräusch der Feststellbremse am linken Rad. Die Hoffnung, dass sich das beim Fahren von selbst erledigt wurde nicht erfüllt. Das liegt daran, dass man die Bremse beim Fahren nicht nutzt. Beim Anziehen des Bremshebels wird außerdem der Schnelle Gang ausgekuppelt. Also kann man die Beläge auch nicht richtig einbremsen. Ich muss noch mal das Rad runternehmen und die Beläge etwas abschleifen.
On The Sunny Side Of The Street. Not only classic cars and motorcyclists are attracted to the sunny side of the street, it is full of people.
Of course it was exciting to drive the Model-T in winter, but in the sun .... :-)
The only thing that bothers is the grinding noise of the parking brake on the left wheel. The hope that this would go away when driving was not fulfilled. That's because you don't use the brake while driving. Also, when you pull the brake lever, the fast gear is disengaged. So you can't brake the pads in properly either. I have to take the wheel down again and grind the pads a little.
Montag, 28. Dezember 2020
154. Tag - Schraubenfertigung / Crew Manufacturing
Heute muss ich noch schnell eine Zollschraube bauen, damit ich den Bremslichtschalter montieren kann. hierzu möchte ich eine Mutter an das Reststück der gekürzten Schraube schweißen. Ich muss mir mal dringend ein Sortiment Zollschrauben zulegen, damit ich sowas nicht mehr machen muss. Aber am Ende halte ich eine funktionierende Schraube in der Hand und kann den Bremslichtschalter montieren. Das Bremslicht funktioniert jetzt hervorragend.
Today I have to quickly build an inch screw so that I can mount the brake light switch. For this I want to weld a nut to the remaining piece of the shortened screw. I must get me times urgently an assortment inch screws, so that I do not have to do something like that. But in the end I hold a working screw in my hand and can mount the brake light switch. The brake light now works great.
Sonntag, 27. Dezember 2020
153. Tag - Bremslichtschalter / Stop Light Switch
Diesen Umbau habe ich schon lange geplant. Die alte Bastellösung wird ersetzt und das Model T bekommt jetzt einen neuen Bremslichtschalter. Der neue Schalter besteht aus einem Metallbügel und einem Druckschalter. Der Bügel wird quer über den Servicedeckel des Getriebes montiert und platziert den Schalter links neben die Achse des Bremshebels. Die Konstruktion nutzt den Umstand aus, dass sich die Bremshebelachse bei Betätigung der Bremse nach links verschiebt. Diese Bewegung spannt das Bremsband um die Bremstrommel. Diese Lösung ist wirklich gut, da sie keine lange Zugfeder benötig, die irgendwie an den Bremshebel befestigt werden muss. Das ist eine andere Lösung, die oft bei Oldtimer zur Anwendung kommt.
I have planned this conversion for a long time. The old tinker solution is replaced and the Model T now gets a new brake light switch. The new switch consists of a metal bracket and a pressure switch. The bracket is mounted across the transmission door and places the switch to the left of the axle of the brake lever. The design takes advantage of the fact that the brake lever axle moves to the left when the brake is applied. This movement tightens the brake band around the brake drum. This solution is really good because it doesn't require a long tension spring that somehow has to be attached to the brake lever. This is another solution that is often used on vintage cars.
Falls man einen gebogenen Servicedeckel hat muss man ihn herumdrehen, damit der Buckel des Deckels nicht nach außen, sondern in das Getriebe hinein ragt. Nur so liegt der Metallbügel dann flach auf und kann festgeschraubt werden.
However, there are two things to keep in mind.
Then you notice that the original screws of the transmission door are too short to tighten the metal bracket. It is a pity that two matching screws are not included. That would certainly increase customer satisfaction.
And again I have the problem to find a suitable inch screw. One I even found and must try tomorrow to make two screws from it.
Here comes the function test now. The design works right away.
Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2020
143. Tag - Bremsentest / Brake Test
Die gestern eingebauten neuen Bremsbacken möchte ich heute testen. Nachdem die Verschleißhülse auf dem Bremsnocken auf der rechten Seite entfernt sind, bremsen beide Räder im aufgebockten Wagen ungefähr gleich früh. Allerdings rubbelt es im linken Rad. Darum nehme ich das Rad noch mal ab und schleife die die Bremstrommel nochmal mit Schleifpapier aus.
I would like to test the new brake shoes installed yesterday today. After removing the brake camshaft sleeve on the right side, both wheels brake about the same time when the car is jacked up. However, there is rubbing in the left wheel. Therefore, I take the wheel off again and grind the brake drum again with sandpaper.
After grinding, you can still see clear traces of running-in, but the rubbing during braking did not occur afterwards.
Kann man den Wagen auch aus der Fahrt mit der Feststellbremse abbremsen? Der folgende Test soll es zeigen.
I did not have to readjust the brake setting. The handbrake lever disengages the fast gear at half position and brakes when the lever is pulled all the way back. Unlike the original brake shoes, it now takes more force to apply the lever. This difference is due to the larger diameter of the new brake shoes. However, the braking force has also become much stronger. The car now stands securely on hills and does not roll away.
The braking effect is so strong that the wheels lock quickly. However, locking rear wheels cause the car to swerve. That's why the braking force on modern cars is 70-80% on the front axle and only 20-30% on the rear axle to prevent the rear axle from locking and to keep the car on track. Since the Model-T uses both the transmission brake and the parking brake to act on therear wheels, it is important that they are well controlled. With the parking brake, you have to practice this first.
Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2020
142. Tag - Neue Bremsen / New Brake
There are strange noises in left turns again. The same as the 116th day when a spring of the brake shoes came loose and shredded in the brake drum. Only today I can't find a possible cause in the brake drum of the right rear wheel. Everything is as it should be.
But if I have already dismantled the wheel, I can also immediately install the new brake shoes. These are lined unlike the original brake shoes and can also use them to brake the moving car.
The original brake shoes have no brake lining and are only parking brakes.
The new brake shoes are one piece, as the original ones used to be before they broke at the mounting bolt.
The old brake shoes have small elevations on the side that keep them at some distance from the brake plate. The new brake shoes do not have these spacers.
Since the new brake shoes are in one piece, the brake shoe springs can be mounted well in the dismantled state.
Whereas the second spring on the side of the brake shoe support screw actually makes no sense. The spring is certainly not so strong that it can pull the brake shoe together with this small lever arm. Nevertheless, I mount this spring. It could be that even the new brake shoe breaks at some point at the screw.
The brake pads can be riveted to the brake shoes. The holes for the rivets are already present. However, the brake pads are glued here.
The brake shoes are held in place with a screw. The screw is screwed into the brake plate and locked from behind with a nut.
Somehow the tension spring collides with the mounting screws of the brake plate.
When I mounted the brake shoe, I find that it does have a defined mounting direction. So that makes no sense.
When the brake shoe is mounted the right way round, the screw head is recessed in the recess of the brake shoe.
When the wheel is disassembled, it is easy to get to the four lubrication points on the rear axle.
Everything is now mounted. I turned the springs again by 180° so that the right spring does not rest on the two screws.
I noticed that the outer felt hub washer on the left brake drum is missing. That comes right times on the next order list.
On the left side, the brake camshaft sleeve is also missing.
The sleeve is present on the right side.
That's why it's not surprising that the right brake locks three detent positions of the brake lever earlier. I have removed the sleeve on the right first, so that the brakes do not brake on one side. The sleeves are also still on the shopping list.
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